The Tingjiang is unique among Fujianese rivers in that its lower watershed and debouchement are outside the province.
In the later 20th century, after the industrial use of the lower watershed had declined somewhat, the area saw explosive population growth.
The creek is largely channelized in the lower watershed, and includes a drop structure near the city of Brentwood that appears to be a complete passage barrier.
The creek's water quality has been extensively studied in its lower watershed, below Buttermilk Falls.
Most of the soils in the lower watershed are clays and bay mud, resulting in a low transmissivity of groundwater.
Downstream from the dam the river flows in the lower watershed east past Fallon, then northeast into the Carson Sink.
In the lower watershed are sandy or silty loams which have a clay substructure.
The drainage of the district is determined by a low central watershed running north and south at right angles to the Salt Range.
The lower watershed is under mixed public and private ownership, and supports a variety of uses.
He then crossed a low watershed to the Maranoa, and awaited Kennedy's arrival.