"Given the context in which the vaccine was offered, and the way it was presented, I can understand the relatively low uptake," he said.
It appears that changes to the environment are not easily implemented because of low uptake by study participants.
It is significantly late, more than 80 per cent over its first announced budget, has very low uptake, and does not have originally intended functionality.
A high or low uptake can help pinpoint the underlying cause of the overactive thyroid.
An inflammation of the thyroid can result in low uptake.
A "cold" nodule, an area of low uptake, may be a cyst, benign tumor or cancer.
There was one major issue with the Triplecast: low uptake.
Chloroquine resistance was first observed in 1962 in the area with the lowest relative uptake of chloroquinized salt.
Blue indicates areas of low uptake.
There is low awareness among consumers, and even lower uptake.