As of May 2007, the city is planning on shutting these schools down due to a history of low test scores and poor attendance.
On average, students at these universities have lower high school grades and lower standardized test scores than students at research universities that award doctoral degrees.
North has scored low on state standardized tests in recent years.
It also has some of the city's most overcrowded schools and among the lowest test scores.
And the lowest test of credibility is generally what you would present to a grand jury.
The rationale for such a low test is to discharge as many claims as possible to allow the bankrupt to make a fresh start after the discharge.
On the panel, there is broad approval for improving schools, particularly urban schools where students have the lowest standardized test scores.
Note the reference to "welfare", a low test which is below that required for reckless manslaughter.
Many of the 300 partygoers were employees in the school district, which has the city's lowest test scores and a history of scandal.
But he scored 75 on that test, too low for admission, and a 94 on the New York test.