Kelemvor blocked with a low sweep, then Dalzhel's foot came from nowhere and smashed him in the head.
Nevertheless, they caught speculative looks, heard a kind of low murmuring sweep through the crowd.
Lao's foot lashed out in a low sweep of the floor, catching the assailant on the ankle.
A low, long sweep of blackness hulked through the moon-splotched water.
Empty land stretched unimpeded in low sweeps and rises, none of it yet touched by the plow.
There were some overalls bundled up on the ledge below the low sweep of windows.
He determined quickly enough that it did not extend beyond the island's broad, low sweep.
Before it reached the ground, however, the machine righted itself and descended in a long low sweep, apparently into the river.
Aegis-fang swung in a low sweep and rose with deadly accuracy, smashing into its belly.
Could he not have picked a low-risk shot - a low sweep along the floor?