Wall Street is being hurt by more than lower stock prices.
He added: "We will be ending the 1987-88 crop year with some very low stocks."
"We've got the anticipation of a strong summer driving season, when this market is really burdened by low stocks."
"Today we have a low stock of weakfish," he said.
The strike price was $44.50 a share, just $2.25 above the stock's low for all of 2000.
Will rates remain this low and provide a stimulus to compensate for the lower stock prices?
Consumers are likely to get mixed signals for many months about what the low stocks and high grain prices mean to them.
Fuelled by low stocks and production problems, prices have almost doubled during the period.
Too intelligent to be from the low stock of the others.
Such concerns sent stocks sharply lower last week and started the bond rally.