A lonely star, low over the earth, seemed unnaturally large and made the sky look darker.
We must, then, think of the action of the lower stars as similar to that of animals and plants.
Mallory noticed that the lower stars of the Plough's share had disappeared.
'Be still,' he signed in the light from the low bright stars.
The whole southern horizon was lifting, low stars disappearing as they watched, Orion drowned in black.
A wind was getting up, and even as I stood there, the lower stars were obscured by drifting darkness.
One of the lower stars in the configuration, she knew, was Sol.
She imagined a point distant as a low star upon the horizon of the dark.
Then he could just see the western edge of theChâteau,stark and black against the lower stars.
An incredibly beautiful blue star shimmering low on the horizon.