So a substantial number of the lower servants were the same as had served Marina's parents, and they remembered their kind master and mistress.
With friends among the lower servants, what had seemed impossible yesterday was no longer.
What sort of jefe put his lowest servants on an upper floor?
It was, on the whole, a bad idea to kill anyone other than a slave or one of the lower servants.
The lower servants' hair hung to their shoulders.
He was merely the hairdresser a lower servant.
You are not to go aloft with him again, and you will keep these low servants of yours away.
"Those stairs take you to the lower servants' way, and there's a door there that exits right into the front hall of the palace."
He was the butler, a gentleman full of his own importance and not usually given to conversing with the lower servants.
When he recovered, Psellos made him a low servant in his household.