The gun is extremely accurate due to its low recoil.
The low recoil of the cartridge makes it ideal for introductory firearms courses.
It did find use as a backup gun due to low recoil, and is popular in the civilian market as a personal defense round.
An advantage is the significantly lower recoil of such loadings.
The weapon has low recoil and is controllable when in full automatic.
They typically have a high rate of fire and relatively low recoil, making them ideal for engaging multiple targets in a fast paced combat situation.
High skills with guns will also result in lower recoil.
The weapon was limited to three-round bursts despite the fact that one of the main reasons for using a fléchette is its low recoil.
Its higher velocity offers a flat trajectory, while the light weight of the bullets results in low recoil.
This cartridge is reported to have a very flat trajectory and to be relatively quiet with low recoil.