He wasn't tall enough to rap the lowest rafters with his forehead, but his big brother would have to duck.
He glanced quickly over his shoulder and saw that Claudia was already hoisting herself up onto the lower rafter.
Theatergoers crammed themselves into any available space in the small auditorium, seeming all but to hang from the ceiling's low rafters.
The message thrummed and boomed through the low rafters of the bridge, then echoed into silence.
At the end of the loft, Anson reached up over a low rafter to where it tied into the wall behind a cross brace.
My wolf ears on top of my head nearly brushed the low rafters.
I was head and shoulders taller than she, my head knocking against the low rafters.
Smoke hung from the low rafters of the room.
He opened his eyes, and rose to his feet, his head nearly brushing the low rafters.
She climbed up into the attic and almost banged her head on a low rafter.