It sings from a low perch such as a rock or grass tussock.
Most of the classrooms had two or three persons at the blackboards, and a crowd watching from low perches.
They'd come far enough so that in the pale morning light he could make out hints of the distant city from this lower perch.
There was a low, broad perch, on which Sliffisunda stood to receive visitors.
The variable, high-pitched song is given from a perch low in a tree.
Together the three of them took low perches facing the assembled Roost Masters.
This species is insectivorous, and like other chats hunts from a prominent low perch.
He set her on a lower perch, afraid she might fall again, but her feet grasped it securely.
This species often hunts from low perches, maybe only a metre or less high.
It feeds on insects which it catches by making short flights from a perch low in a tree or bush.