The drovers would often bring cattle from the lower pastures to the fresh green pastures for the summer months.
Sometimes the snow covered both high and low pastures.
I was with Honore, in one of the lower pastures.
In spring, ranchers drive cattle from low pastures to higher country so they can graze on fresh grass through the summer.
At the end of September the animals were moved back to the lower pastures and cattle were stabled in the following month.
Not pausing for an answer, he set off past the stable, turning down the lane that led from the paddock to the lower pasture.
The other day a mob of robins appeared in the lower pasture on a southeastern slope where the ice cap had retreated.
He could use his mirror fragments to pull up images - places like Fairhaven, the white city, and even the cows in the lower pasture.
Then she would have to do her last chore, bringing feed to the cattle and horses in the lower pastures.
The sheep had already descended to the lower pastures to graze, but he was not entirely alone on the heights.