However, it has a low modulus allowing too much stretch to be suitable for upwind sails.
These benefit from titanium's lower modulus of elasticity (Young's modulus) to more closely match that of the bone that such devices are intended to repair.
It is cheap, safe, and very small forces are needed to move it around and measure (that is, it has a low modulus).
Due to their low modulus, the mechanical impedance of the actuators, they are well-matched to common optical membrane materials.
Elastomers are polymers which have very low moduli and show reversible extension when strained, a valuable property for vibration absorption and damping.
It also must have a large volume with a low modulus of elasticity and a high material yield strength.
Neuronal development of precursor cells is maintained by gels with low elastic modulus.
Because a high degree of stretch is desirable in this application, a material with a low elastic modulus is preferred, such as nylon.
Such a gel is an elastic solid body, but differs from ordinary solids by having a very low elastic modulus.
Its properties include high heat deflection temperature, good impact resistance, chemical resistance, low flexular modulus and good environmental stress crack resistance.