Well, the one with the second lowest social mobility in Europe (behind Italy) - if you are born poor, expect to remain so.
And there's every reason to believe that our low economic mobility has a lot to do with our high level of income inequality.
Technically that implies low mobility, compared with Europe.
It has very low mobility, but its firepower is unrivaled by any other missile type.
It has also shown a good performance in terms of successful packet delivery in the presence of low mobility.
These dialects are confined to rural areas and are spoken primarily by small numbers of people with low social mobility.
These ions have lower mobility than the free electrons due to their higher mass and remain in the area of the anode wire.
Added to this is the low mobility of scientists, expert knowledge and experience, caused primarily by legal, administrative and linguistic barriers.
If this country was entirely Catholic, we wouldn't be having a big debate over stagnant wages and low social mobility.
Because of low mobility, no interaction between subpopulations exists.