The small size of his school made his chances for exposure very low.
But we think it's prudent to make the change to a lower international exposure.
"News consumers with extremely high or low exposure are rare," says the study.
"They want a lower exposure to the advertising-driven business and to get into on-line publishing."
Due to very low exposure of this wonderful song i felt i had to put it into a video.
Several studies have provided evidence that even low maternal exposures to lead produce intellectual and behavioral deficits in children.
The astronauts had low exposure in the Van Allen belts due to the short period of time spent flying through them.
Her study pointed out that consumers have lower exposure to antibiotics when they eat grass-fed animals.
Because of this low exposure, no special precautions are required when near the tank.
The lowest such exposure was in Latin American funds: less than 1 percent.