If there was a low dive in the place that we hadn't been in, Annesley didn't know it.
Three years of low dives can build up a toxic reaction.
Hazel dragged him from one low dive to another in search of old acquaintances, but no one wanted to talk.
His surge was turning into a low, long dive, the moment he was through the doorway.
Harlow launched himself in a low dive for Taggart's knees.
The figure that had cast that gloom was lunging forward in a long, low dive.
Breaking loose violently, she plunged toward Rashelle with a long low dive.
But no matter where she went, from the plushest clubs to the lowest dives, there were crowds.
"I managed to slip onto the concrete and that was from the low dive," she said.
Riding the red fire of their rockets, they headed on a long low dive for the mysterious surface below.