A portion of the lower creek is uncovered and runs along the Bruce Vento Regional Trail.
Walking and cycling trails line most of the lower creek.
However, since much of the area near the lower creek was swampy, it was not favored by the Multnomah.
There is also a steep uphill trail allowing visitors to walk along the side of the lower creek to the top of the falls.
By the end of the 1870s, the first private lumber mills were established in the mountains had been established in some of the lower creeks.
There are also many drop structures on the lower creek.
Work has been done to reduce pollutants flowing into the lower creek from these drains, including excess nitrogen, phosphorus and fecal coliforms.
Several tributaries flowing from northern Nevada into southern Idaho have been diverted, leaving even less water to replenish the lower creek.
The last steelhead trout and coho salmon runs were seen in the lower creek in 1964.
In the wake of successful cleanup efforts, some local citizens and organizations have proposed a system of parks and trails along the lower creek.