Chadric tapped an arrhythmic beat on the top of the low balustrade with fingers almost as weathered as the stone.
Together they moved to the steps dividing the low wrought-iron balustrade.
The man spun sideways in a cartwheel above the low balustrade, his neck the hub of the spin.
Along the lower balustrade parapet are carved the seals of American colleges and universities founded before 1820, in order of their founding.
The balcony was surrounded by a low balustrade, separating it from the sloped roof of the porch.
This was a paved half-moon, edged with a low balustrade, holding a pair of curved stone benches.
The ripples, slowing their progress gradually, drifted to within a dozen meters of the low balustrade.
Standing at the low wooden balustrade, Li Yuan looked down into the waters.
The singing women who stood up on the low balustrade as though on a piece of early Italian architecture.
The front facade features a triple arched portico topped by a classic entabulature with low balustrade.