A higher power, a loving being, a force behind the laws of nature, fine.
(Ages 12 and up) A troubling novel about a 13-year-old girl who, despite her grotesque and complicated circumstances, somehow manages to be a kind and loving human being.
Scheler defined the human being not so much as a "rational animal" (as has traditionally been the case since Aristotle) but essentially as a loving being.
The Katie Couric I know is a warm and loving human being who cares intensely about her family, her co-workers and her job.
"Loving Dylan," she said, "was central to me learning how to be a loving human being."
He's created beings more conscientious and loving than Himself.
Throughout the novel, Reg undergoes a transformation from narrow fundamentalist to a more open and loving human being.
Rather, at least in Mr. Moland's experience, "she is very sweet, very uncomplicated, warm and loving human being."
Pruner also went on to say that the negro is what the female is to the white man, "a loving being and a being of pleasure".
Liberal Mormons place doing good and loving fellow human beings above the importance of believing correctly.