He is also the lover of Rakam in Story Four, mentioned but not named in Story Three.
"Dallas" is a song in which the male narrator tells of a lover named Dallas who has left him for Dallas, Texas.
In this reality, Methos had a lover named Jillian, who was killed by The Watchers (who were trying to kill him).
Dodd once had a lover named Leslie whom he'd wanted to marry, who wanted children.
She also had a lover named Lawrence during her time in Einhorn, but had to drop the relationship when she was exiled.
She also has a lover named Vincent, whom she also turns into a monster and then vivisects.
Schneebaum would return there in 1995 to revisit a former lover, named Aipit.
After those men had come and gone, she had a lover named Walter Law, who she thought was the right man for her.
She had a lover named Goodwin, who was a computer programmer, and he was our favorite.
Therefore the narrator of the song, Julie, laments the fact that her lover keeps mentioning his previous lover, named Lisa.