A pause came at last, however, and fans fluttered, heated brows were wiped, jokes were made, lovers exchanged confidences, and every nook and corner held a man and maid carrying on the sweet game which is never out of fashion.
Especially in longer-term affairs, lovers will exchange presents.
Rex Wilder, rather shyly, shares the hundreds of letters he and his lover exchanged in the 1940's, letters he hopes to donate to a worthy archive.
On the evening at which we have arrived he was going to enter according to custom; but the two lovers, as we have seen, only exchanged a few words before Cornelius sent Rosa back to watch over the tulip.
The lovers exchanged a wealth of letters in which they refer to each other as 'Sylvander' and 'Clarinda'.
Prior to the legal case and subsequent marriage, the lovers exchanged love letters and rendezvoused in secret.
In the Heian period the lovers would exchange waka in the morning when lovers met at the woman's home.
They were forbidden to see each other, but the miner rented a room opposite, and the lovers exchanged furtive besos (kisses) from these balconies.
The young lovers Marius and Cosette are exchanging tearful farewells while Marius's unrequited admirer, Eponine, mourns her own abandonment.
Athelstan noticed the conspiratorial smiles the two lovers exchanged.