As for clothes, DS had a lovely outfit from John Lewis, but not a frilly white thing, nor a formal suit.
She was wearing her third lovely outfit of the day, this one a casual suit in a printed jungle-motif fabric.
"My boss hired me because she commented I had such a lovely outfit on," she said.
The girl looked down at her lovely outfit and touched her shining hair.
Electra began removing her dress, because she didn't want such a lovely outfit to be damaged in any way.
She wore a lovely red outfit with a full- circle skirt and gems that gleamed in the lights, huge ru- bies, making her motions sparkle.
"That's a lovely outfit," I offered, nonetheless.
"That's a lovely outfit," Lucenda said.
I wouldn't want you to get grass stains on that lovely outfit.
We wear these lovely outfits to protect the archives from us.