KEF is a British-based loudspeaker manufacturer with international distribution.
Emerson's new offer is its latest for Jensen, based in Lincolnshire, Ill., a loudspeaker manufacturer and distributor.
He tried to sell the idea to several loudspeaker manufacturers, but his idea was rejected as impossible.
Over the next two decades, almost all major loudspeaker manufacturers gradually changed from mechanical to acoustic suspension.
Mordaunt-Short is a loudspeaker manufacturer in the UK.
A UK based professional loudspeaker manufacturer.
In 1970 he founded Celestion Electronics, a loudspeaker manufacturer.
This was the largest product market share ever held by a loudspeaker manufacturer since statistics have been kept in the industry.
In the 1930s, loudspeaker manufacturers began to combine two and three bandpasses' worth of drivers in order to increase frequency response and sound pressure level.