As soon as it felt the loathsome scratching weight descend on its exposed haunches, it gave a loud panicked whinny and bucked.
The gate opened, cutting Impossible's lead rope, and he bolted forward, with a loud whinny.
His heart raced as he silently struggled to get up on his mount but the horse, already nervous, reared back with a loud whinny.
A sudden loud whinny from Narcissus startled Wind Dancer.
Tarky saw the movement, tossed his head up quickly, and backed away with a loud whinny.
Recognizing a familiar voice in the midst of madness, my horse had thrust its nose up with a loud whinny of greeting.
From behind the cottage, the horse gave another loud whinny, as if protesting all this good humor.
A loud whinny rose from the cover of trees along the shoulder of a hill.
It lay heavy in the air along with the loud whinnies of frightened horses.
And then there was a pounding of hooves and the loud whinny of a horse.