I had seen him in a loud suit with white golf balls on the coat and a whiskey sour in his hand.
He was still Willie McCoy with his penchant for loud primary-colored suits, clashing ties, and small, nervous hands.
He was dressed in the same loud suit and neon shirt as before.
Although a diverse lot, sokaiya tend to wear snappy if occasionally loud suits, half-tinted sunglasses and jewelry meant to show every yen of its worth.
A short, scrawny, ferret-faced man in a loud, snappy suit seemed to be the Pinkertons' commander.
Willie with his loud suits and worse ties.
She was seen with a man in a loud checked suit who favoured bright ties.
The master of ceremonies, a man in a loud suit with an oily voice, held the microphone right up against his capped teeth.
Mike Walden, Super Dave's announcer, whose loud suits were frequently the subject of mockery.
Many just call him a Renaissance Man, or the man famous for his loud suits.