The album is a drastic change in sound to that of its predecessors, the title alone being a loud signal that Ulver had changed somewhat.
It's a master regulator that can send a very loud signal at critical points throughout development.
Diaphones were also used at some fire stations and in other situations where a loud audible signal was required.
That sent a loud signal that individual lawmakers can no longer hide behind their leaders and coast to re-election.
Against three no-trump, his partner led the spade king, and he played the four, the loudest signal he could afford.
A very loud signal can blow the speakers and greatly damage the recording equipment.
But during the extravagant 80's, putting brand names on expensive goods to send out loud signals about prosperity confused the issue.
She broadcast a very loud signal.
In his earphones a loud signal came in.
"We have got to send a loud signal," the President said of withholding licenses.