Then there were footsteps, loud ones, that came up the side stairs and finally ended at Helene's very door!
Sounds, particularly loud ones, that disturb people or make it difficult to hear wanted sounds, are noise.
Granted, the loud ones should be tarred and feathered, but normal people have a right to talk as much as they want.
As for what to do with the loud ones: Act strangely next to them.
Jaqueramaphan said, "But we did hear thought sounds, loud ones, during the ambush.
One of those loud ones which made the Opel police cars sound like Buicks.
I'll work hard on the loud ones first.
From around his bed Henry could hear low snores and loud ones, grunts, an occasional bedfart.
Audience members may not sing or play the guitar any better than critics, but they express opinions too, often loud and intemperate ones.
Quiet motors were harmless, but loud ones were bad.