Here was somebody in a loud, too-small, red-checked jacket and a pair of blue-striped pants that didn't reach his baseball shoes and who had, of all things, a red baseball cap on the back of his head.
He thought it gave him a rakish daring look, especially when he wore it at an angle with his loud checked jacket and green tie.
(Since attention was called to his sartorial splendor, Mr. Brown has been appearing in loud zippered jackets worn by union members.)
One of the guards stepped forward and grabbed at a man in a loud green jacket.
The merger of all those loud jackets into a Rainbow Coalition could eventually mark 1992 as the year in which chaos began to give way to order on New Year's day and night.
Terrible loud jackets, he'd talk your arm off and drink you under the table, given half a chance.
With his loud purple jacket, earring, hat and graying ear-to-ear beard, he juggled the roles of trickster, magician, sage, curator and nostalgist.
He wore loud jackets and fuschia or purple or pink shirts, with an ascot.
The character, now permanently known as Art Fern, wore a lavish toupee, loud jackets, and a pencil mustache.