A picture appeared in the air, accompanied by the emotional equivalent of a loud demand: How did you know?
In the fly-by-night analogy, Green is the angry passenger making loud demands and frightening the flight attendents.
Kelly takes Tom down to the kitchen where his loud demands for breakfast threaten to draw the tiger's attention.
Judy's loud demands for her clothes came to an abrupt halt when the President walked into her room.
Richard didn't arrive making angry comments had loud demands; he was too smart for that.
Finally, after another long loud demand upon God for his undivided attention, Father Harrigan went down the steps.
As she started to reply a shrill alarm blasted through the compound, imperative, shrieking in its loud demand.
Their loudest demand was for higher salaries than other American orchestras.
And now is the chance for the international development community to respond to the loud and growing demand for national and local capacity development support.
She could hear Chad's loud, furious demands that Beth be left alone.