On top the rings, the new design replaced the harmika with a lotus bud.
The towers are designed to look like sprouting lotus buds, and at one time they may have been covered in gold.
Each of these lotus buds opened to reveal a star which then became the Beidou constellation.
The shoes are cone or sheath-shaped, intended to resemble a lotus bud.
Soaring more than 200 feet above the jungle floor are the five central towers, designed, it is thought, to resemble lotus buds close to bloom.
One figure held a lotus bud by the stalk while the left arm was folded across the chest in a charming gesture of offering.
In her right hand, she holds a lotus bud, which symbolized deceased royalty in transformation.
It is 160 meters long and bordered by seventy sandstone posts with tops of lotus buds.
His right hand holds a lotus bud, and he holds a modak sweet in other hand.
One is a gilded copper mandala from Mongolia in the form of a globular lotus bud.