But it would cost the Treasury some $914 million a year in lost taxes.
It is unclear whether the city will attempt to recoup the lost taxes.
Modern moonshiners cost Virginia $20 million a year in lost taxes, often carry heavy arms, and are moving into the drug trade.
It gave the city $1.7 million to offset lost taxes and agreed to continue its annual $120,000 United Way contribution for three more years.
And while the amount of lost taxes is difficult to estimate, most officials agree that any additional revenue would be welcomed.
Asked where he would get the money to make up for the lost taxes, he said it would come from the spending cuts.
They benefit large corporations and rich individuals, but cost governments billions in lost taxes.
If the city can afford the $30 million in estimated lost tax revenues, that plan makes sense.
Large fines were placed on the province for lost taxes during their rebellion and the cost of the war.
The package is expected to cost the Government $1 billion a year in lost taxes, officials said.