The loss and resolution behind Hamako's eyes showed that he understood.
Their loss showed on the field and the Dingos struggled.
The losses show the risks Japan's trading companies are incurring as they diversify.
Gains and losses over those 15 years show black median family income dropped 6 percent relative to whites.
They have three goals and two losses to show for it.
Her recent losses to power hitters has shown her to be a weak player without any big weapons?
Is it that you may actually have lost fat but the loss may not show much on the scales because you are retaining water.
Even the loss shows the evolution of the Manhattan program under Gonzalez, who took over a team that won five games in 1998-99.
"That loss of limb control should show something in the record."
The loss of quality also showed last season, when a final 8th place was reached.