By opposing her and risking the loss of his position, he had somehow earned her confidence.
The premium and emphasis placed upon mathematics, science, and technical training caused the loss of its prominent position in higher education studies.
The Revolution of 1848 involved the loss of Hurter's position at Court, to which, however, he was restored in 1852.
He wasn't afraid of the committee, of disgrace, of the loss of his position and standing.
The loss of his position forced him to work menial jobs.
The loss of his position and the ruin of his career, but it was a matter which could be easily handled.
He remained in this office for more than ten years, when differences of opinion between him and its chiefs led to the loss of his position.
The loss of his position as head of the Macintosh division at Apple was crushing to him.
If he were exposed as a gambler, it would mean the loss of his position at the bank.
"I think your husband," said the Crown Prince, "is not the man to accept the loss of his position in meek silence."