Hope Now describes the assistance that it provides to homeowners as loan workouts, a form of loss mitigation.
With all this stacked against them and very few options, the result for many was default and foreclosure or loss mitigation.
Some lenders have offered troubled borrowers more favorable mortgage terms (i.e., refinancing, loan modification or loss mitigation).
"The decrease in foreclosures is the specific result of an emphasis placed on loss mitigation and default counseling."
However, since about 1996 insurers have begun to take a more active role in loss mitigation, such as through building codes.
By focusing on post-theft notification, damage control and loss mitigation, banks have invited government intervention.
But there are no publicly available data to analyze the success rates of loss mitigation.
"There is nothing particularly wrong with loss mitigation," Mr. Rosner said.
Valuable information about foreclosure prevention (also called loss mitigation) options can be found online.
The field of loss mitigation is an expanding arena that presents incredible opportunity for career expansion and growth.