But a punitive damage award, which is meant to punish a company, or the loss of a class-action class could inflict significant financial damage.
The losses inflicted by German occupation regarding the population were gradually reversed and in 1980 Chełmża counted 15.000 people.
Only the loss of Norn would inflict a greater injury.
The success of the British advance varied but the losses inflicted on the Germans were devastating.
But why, knowing the psychic trauma that a loss can inflict, did Tranghese let Connecticut go on to win the game, 75-71?
French losses on 17 May were 32 tanks and armoured vehicles, but had "inflicted loss on the Germans".
That loss has inflicted a serious blow upon our resource base.
As the battle was fought, both sides exaggerated the losses inflicted on the other by an equally large margin.
They'd just reported contact and a battle, losses taken and inflicted on an enemy as yet unidentified, but who had withdrawn after a brief firelight.
Tank losses include losses inflicted other than by enemy tanks.