In some of the early months of 1941, losses averaged close on 500,000 tons.
From January through March, losses at these insolvent institutions averaged between $10 million and $12 million a day, according to the bank board.
Manufacturing employment, while still shrinking, is doing so much more slowly than in the first half, when the loss averaged 36,000 jobs a month.
It meant that the loss of medical data was averaging ten times higher than other data types.
Only half reported positive operating margins, and overall losses averaged 16 percent, up three percentage points from 2001.
In the past 15 days, the loss has averaged about 2.26 pounds of air per day, for a total of about 34 pounds.
So far, the plant's losses have averaged about $59,000 a week, he said.
Hourly losses for the SS units averaged less than a dozen men and two tanks.
The loss averaged 1.59 percent over five days.
German losses to the Polish partisans averaged 850-1,700 per month in early 1944 compared to about 250-320 per month in 1942.