The traditional logic of property is that one will get all the gains and bear the losses associated with ownership.
There's a lot of loss associated with aging, and humans are the only species that recognizes that time eventually runs out.
The loss associated with third-world loans climbed to $89 million, from $74 million a year earlier.
Insurance will not reduce your business' risks but you can use it as a financial tool to protect against losses associated with some risks.
For the birth parents, ongoing contact can help ease the sense of loss associated with giving up their child.
Excluding the 1989 losses associated with those reserves, the trend of bank earnings has been down in recent quarters.
When psychologists first studied adult development, they would come around every few years and draw conclusions about the inevitable losses associated with age.
However, due to the need for understanding the potential losses associated with a building, crude loss estimation techniques were developed in the 1970's.
This rule will enable states to take in greater revenues, limiting financial losses associated with the program.
The expected loss (conditional risk) associated with taking action is given by: