We lost our best engineers, superintendents, foremen and highest-skilled workers.
The fact remains that we have lost more workers since the ground zero cleanup than during, and that is simply unacceptable.
We lost our best engineers, superintendents, foremen and highest skilled workers.
With the tight job market, many employers are simply swallowing the cost of higher insurance premiums because they cannot risk losing workers.
For example, it was unclear which state agencies would lose workers.
When employees quit or retire, their companies may lose more than valued workers.
Some businesses in other industries have lost workers, including legal workers, as a result of the new immigration law.
For example, in the past decade Bulgaria is estimated to have lost more than 50,000 qualified scientists and skilled workers through emigration every year.
As companies lose workers in one department, they are adding people with different skills for another.
Companies do not want to lose experienced workers of any kind, if only because replacing them takes time and money.