Indeed, she has said that she is willing to lose voters rather than make an apology she does not believe in.
The Socialists, trying awkwardly to tread a middle path, have found themselves losing voters to the left and right.
If you talk about further layers, he'll lose voters in a minute.
Pundits and pollsters say that the president has lost young voters; the reality is much more nuanced.
While losing White ethnic, working-class voters, Lindsay was able to win with support from three distinct groups.
"They know we will be successful in government and fear losing more voters, that's why," he said yesterday.
"So he loses independents and low-income voters," said an Obama campaign official.
Such districts usually came at the expense of white Democratic candidates in other districts who lost reliable black voters.
They seem to be trying to preserve their expected support from women without losing male voters.
But there is no doubt that the governing party is worried about losing disaffected voters.