The unit had lost 26 pilots killed, almost a 100% loss rate since their arrival.
The Geschwader lost 43 pilots, 40 percent of the pilots they began the battle with.
He has lost 16 pilots in the previous two weeks, nearly all of them young replacements with little training and no combat experience.
During the first period, Saratoga lost four aircraft and three pilots.
Within two to three minutes after entering the area the 394th had lost five pilots.
The Wing came under intense pressure, losing 47 pilots in January.
JG 1 lost 12 pilots with 7 being killed, 3 wounded and 2 missing.
In the five months of the battle, the British lose 782 aircraft and 576 pilots but maintain air superiority over the battlefield.
During this combat period, Air Group 4 lost seven pilots and four crewmen.
These actions were at a high cost though, the squadron lost five aircraft and two pilots.