The sun has lost its warmth, and each noon, at meridian, it is lower in the northern sky.
They seemed to disappear against the sky, but the sun was losing its warmth because of them.
There was a hard edge to his voice now, and his eyes had lost their warmth.
For the first time Major Gonzales's smile lost its warmth.
But Matt's voice had lost all its warmth and he was looking at her with more than a trace of suspicion.
The sun had lost its warmth, and was once more sliding beneath the horizon each night.
Not impolite by any means, but the doctor's voice had lost its former warmth.
She wondered how long it would be before the rocks lost their warmth.
No matter what the adversities, he never lost his warmth and amazing wit.
When we stood up, the side of my arm lost her warmth and felt chilly.