We cannot afford to lose your leadership on the Jo'Payav, they had said.
But others say the state has lost its national leadership and luster in many areas, having been forced to shift priorities.
The agreement yesterday was hailed as an important exception to a trend that has seen the United States lose its leadership in several key technologies.
Now, Professor Bromberg said, "the commission has lost its leadership in a whole bunch of vital areas."
Crocco did not trust Borjes from the start and worried about losing his leadership, but he accepted the alliance.
Yamauchi ushered in a new industry, but at the end lost his leadership of that industry.
No. 1: We lost our economic leadership.
Crawford, who lost his leadership of the umpires when his union was voted out, declined to comment.
We lost our primary leadership there, but the battle crippled Central Security's zonal force.
NBC lost its leadership in many important audience categories.