When a show loses children's attention, they don't hesitate to say so.
They lost Wulfric's attention for a few moments as he answered questions from one of his men.
Can he pause for five seconds before delivering a punch line and not lose the audience's attention?
I'm not the type to keep saying things; once you do that you lose their attention.
"There is a real concern that we will lose the nation's attention the longer this takes."
You can't assume she has any interest, especially if it's to her as sort of a consolation prize after losing your attention.
No one wants a president who speaks so loftily that he loses our attention.
The coach lost the battle, Ewing's attention, too many games, and soon after, his job.
You lose their attention if you keep staring down at the papers in your hand.
Some very spirited debate over" He had lost her attention again.