In 1950, most scientists thought that Mercury, because of its small size, had probably lost its atmosphere due to molecular escape into space.
We'll probably lose our atmosphere sooner or later, and it could be before too long.
Although it had been converted into an hotel, it hadn't lost its atmosphere, wasn't at all touristy.
As the earth is 4.5 billion years old, it would have lost its atmosphere by now if there were no protective magnetosphere.
The underwater tunnel system was losing its life-sustaining atmosphere, fast.
No, sir, we came all the way down here because we're losing our atmosphere through an open valve.
Without that protection, Mars loses its atmosphere and suffers from much stronger radiation effects.
The wine library had to be secure and climate-controlled while not losing its cavernous atmosphere.
"The whole space city has lost its internal atmosphere," Tuvok said.
And now she was losing her atmosphere.