Each club lost its last appearance in the game.
At this Alice runs over to join them, losing her warped appearance and passing on with the other children.
As they talked together her face lost its calm appearance.
The beast had somehow lost his appearance of fierceness.
Not only has he lost his normal appearance, he's become an object of raillery for the entire court.
Symptoms include losing their appearance when they grow old, fearing the future, and fear of needing to rely on others to do daily functions.
A blink, and they were khaki again; his jacket lost its rumpled appearance.
As a result of questioning, long imprisonment, and maltreatment they had lost their human appearance.
The rope lost its lifelike appearance as the end came down with a final thwack.
There was no spare fat on any of the men fromAccipiter, and it would be a while before they lost their gaunt appearance completely.