If your team ends the day losing miserably, was the arena experience still memorable because a light show spectacularly introduced the players?
But not even changing his hunting cap for a felt hat did any good; he always lost miserably.
"But he lost miserably."
He realizes how his rival cheated on the election, and he goes up to him and punches his face, but he loses miserably in fight again.
They'll lose miserably.
I'm sure that idiot will lose to Nadal miserably, but I hope Nadal can keep his serve going!
Gramm lost miserably, but he never stopped running.
Mr. Tierney thought it would be a kick, so he took the challenge - and lost miserably.
Congress lost miserably and could not even become the main opposition party in that elections.
After they lose miserably he decides to feed the rats to boost their chances of winning.