Further, exactly what would cause it to lose fluid?
Also, as the body loses fluid, the blood thickens, which can lead to a heart attack or a stroke.
In space, astronauts lose fluid volume-including up to 22% of their blood volume.
It's hard to get a vein up to insert a catheter once you've lost fluid, especially under fire and in darkness.
Weigh yourself before and after racing to get an idea of how much fluid you've lost.
These can make you dehydrated, which means your body has lost too much fluid.
They can make you lose extra fluid from your body and may lead to dehydration.
The elderly can't afford to lose much fluid, either, but that's because their circulatory system has changed with aging.
Being dehydrated, which means your body has lost too much fluid.
Dehydration means that your body has lost too much fluid.