"Your dia lost so much weight during that time!"
Their goal was to measure not just overall weight lost during that time, but also body-fat loss, especially dangerous abdominal fat.
She then won it again every year for the next 15 consecutive years, losing only two games at the championship during that time.
The Standard and Poor's 500-stock index lost 8.9 percent a year, on average, during that time.
But no one knows how many traditionally wild acres open to hikers on private lands have been lost to development during that same time.
In an attempt to recover the $6.4 million he lost during that time, Sprewell sued the league.
The war lasted in Europe until May 1945, and Russia lost 27 million people during that time.
They lost three more during that time, raising the death toll to twelve.
The S.& P. 500 lost 11 percent during that time.
The team won 15 games and lost 21 during that time.