People in free-fall lose calcium from their bones - about half a percent of it per month.
Bones that aren't used for walking, climbing stairs and jumping tend to lose calcium, particularly in post-menopausal women.
Women lose calcium to babies during pregnancy and in milk production, a lesser form of sacrifice for the sake of their children.
Bones begin to lose calcium - the mineral that makes them hard - faster than they can replace it.
Since the average American's diet is protein-heavy to begin with, some experts say that eating lots of dairy foods may actually cause people to lose calcium.
Look for problems that cause your bones to lose calcium.
Everyone starts to lose calcium in the 30's (and for women, the loss increases markedly during and after menopause).
After two to four days in bed, the body starts losing calcium.
In this way the worm loses intracellular calcium.
It is important to get the right amount of calcium in your food because the body loses calcium every day.