About 71 percent of city voters supported the measure, but it lost, over all, by 52 percent to 48 percent.
Pocalyko lost to Plum by 61.83 percent to 35.42 percent of the vote.
For example, if a route loses one of two competitors, the average fare rises by about 30 percent.
Clinton lost it by two percent of the vote in the past presidential elections.
I started way behind and lost by 3 percent.
If a national election were held tomorrow, the polls show that the Conservatives would lose by about 19 percent.
He lost by 54.7 percent to 43 percent, and is now required to call free elections by the end of 1989.
He lost by 54.7 to 43 percent of the vote.
California Republicans needed all the bolstering they could get, having lost the governor's race by more than 20 percent last November.
She lost the general election to Dennis Archer by 56 percent to 43 percent.