Western Union, which has been fighting off bankruptcy reorganization, lost $531.2 million last year after taking a $367.2 million loss in 1985.
For the second straight time in a season that is three games old, the Devils lost tonight after taking a lead into the final period.
However, the company said it lost $115 million in this year's third quarter after taking charges for the Galen acquisition.
The charge was led by Kozietulski, but he lost his horse after taking the first battery.
She lost the job after taking her guitar to work and playing it during tea-breaks.
Last year, its investors lost almost half their money, even after taking dividends into account.
Five hundred people are to lose their jobs after their firm lost a contract to clean schools just weeks after taking it on.
In tests, patients lost 5 percent to 10 percent of their weight after taking Xenical for a year.
But Mason watched as the Knicks lost control after taking a 68-63 lead with 9 minutes 26 seconds to play.
Boeing lost $478 million in the first quarter after taking nearly $1 billion in charges.